Notice of Public Meeting
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Small Urban Task Force for Otsego/Plainwell, created for the purpose of identifying projects that may be funded through the “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation” (FAST) Act program, will be meeting on FRIDAY JANUARY 25TH at 2:00 PM at OTSEGO CITY HALL, 117 E. Orleans St, Otsego MI 49078 for the purpose of reviewing and prioritizing transportation improvement projects for funding for the years 2019-2023.
The Task Force is comprised of the City of Allegan and Allegan County Transportation, Allegan County Road Commission. The Task Force is charged with preparing a Transportation Improvement Plan for projects located within the City of Allegan Urban Area. All proposed projects must be within the approved federal-urbanized area boundary and/or be located on the federal highway system.
The public is invited to attend and participate in the meeting.
Questions about the meeting may be directed to Craig Atwood, (269) 673-2184,